Your Views Matter: Join our PPG!

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Orchard Medical Practice and our neighbouring GP surgeries are looking for people from all walks of life across our area to tell us how we can make local GP services better and improve health issues that matter most to you. 

Together, we have a Patient Participation Group, or PPG for short, run by friendly volunteer patients and our practice managers. They meet from time to time to discuss ideas, feedback, and suggestions to improve the patient experience.

Anyone can join and you don’t need any specialist skills other than an interest in healthcare and the services and appointments your surgery offers. Your views really matter and we’d love to see you at our next PPG session if you’d like to help us:

Venue: Little Hulton Health Centre (Upstairs Board Room) 

Date: Tuesday 29 October 2024 

Time: 11am 

If you are interested in attending, please let a member of our reception team know and we’ll see you there!